Not only people now have the right to life and liberty… Not so long ago the parliament of Spain adopted a resolution to recognize the great apes’ right to life and liberty. As the Reuters informs, it will be forbidden to keep the apes for circuses, filming or commercials. It will be also forbidden to experiment with apes. In many Spanish zoos the conditions of keeping apes should be drastically improved. Those who breaks the law, will be punished in accordance with the Spain’s penal code.
Such a law was adopted with the assistance of the international organization “Great Apes Project”. The representatives of the organization believe that such apes like chimpanzees, gorillas, orang-utans and bonobos should also be entitled to the right to life and liberty as they are the closest genetic relatives of humans.
But the representatives of the Spain’s conservative Popular Party disagree with the resolution. They believe that the law equalizes the humans and apes in rights.
Date: 05/07/2008
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